Lois Wells

Lois Wells, awarded the Robe of Achievement in 1985, posthumously


A 12 year old who loved to sing and play piano, Lois Wells was asked to be the pianist for her Sabbath School and that began a life of service for the Lord, her church, and people across the country and world. She continued to play for service and direct choir for 10 years while she finished high school and college and then she began to teach. She moved across the country and directed the music program of her new church in addition to teaching vocal lessons at the high school and college levels.

After her formal retirement from public school and teaching she served as consultant, adjudicator, and trainer of music teachers for schools. She was active in both local and state professional organizations she traveled world-wide as a choral conductor and received many awards.

Lois served her church a moderator. She served as staff for many Association camps and for the denomination she directed music at many pre-cons and for several General Conferences. She also served on the General Council.

Lois was not only successful with her gifted vocal students but she was extremely successful with vocally handicapped students. Unable to speak and converse normally they were socially misfit, unhappy and defeated people but with her aid the were able to learn to use their voices and lead much more productive and happy lives.

She was also very selfless and financially generous, a fact which few knew but many received.  She did not consider any area of her life to be her own but all that she had were gifts from God to be shared.