Myrna Davis Cox

Myrna Cox Davis in the Robe of Achievement, 1992


Myrna was born in Wheat Ridge, CO on May 28, 1938. She joined the Seventh Day Baptist Church in Denver, CO as a child and continued on there her whole life. She graduated from Wheat Ridge High School in 1956 and then attended Salem College the following year. She continued her education at the University of Colorado in Boulder where she took courses in French, psychology, physiology, and accounting. w

In WV she worked as a secretary for an insurance company and after moving back to Colorado she was an executive secretary  on the Jefferson County Health Department for two years. She then went on to work as a financial secretary in several Boulder schools and then was the budget manager for a large bookstore in Boulder.

She was active in her own church, often utilizing her spiritual gift of teaching for its benefit. She and Michele Wheeler were instrumental in founding the Women’s Retreat in Colorado. The retreat was held yearly and included women from the Mid-Continent Association. Myrna has been of great encouragement for women in other areas of the denomination to begin their own retreats even going so far as to be a guest speaker at these events.

Myrna taught Sabbath School classes of all ages through the years. She also taught special adult Bible classes several times a year to support major emphases in the church. She developed a program to strengthen the church’s “food for the needy” outreach.

Recognizing a need for communication in the church she organized publishing a newsletter for the congregation and then co-edited it as well with her sister. The Messenger is sent monthly to members of her congregation and other interested persons throughout the denomination. She used her gift of writing to produce stimulating and inspirational editorials. She was also a committed choir member. She was actively involved in the Evangelism Committee and when the Desmond Ford Crusade was held she planned and implemented its major emphasis in her home church. She served on nearly every committee and held every office in her church at one time or another.

Having experienced the trauma of raising a diabetic son she also chose to assist the Diabetic Association in fund raising, educational efforts, and volunteer service.

When Myrna was diagnosed with cancer she was hospitalized many times and she always brought her Bible and devotional book with her. No matter how ill she felt you would always find her sharing her faith with someone. She had many conversations with nurses and aides as they observed her strong faith.

Myrna was president of the SDB Women’s Board from 1973-1977 and a member of the denomination Planning Committee. She represented Seventh Day Baptists ecumenically by attending the Church Women United meetings at the local, state, and national levels. She attended Baptist World Alliance helping further introduce Seventh Day Baptists to other denominations.

She was also involved in the NET (National Evangelism Training) training program under the Board of Christian Education. The training began in the Denver church and expanded to a retreat setting at Camp Paul Hummel. She spent countless hours along with other members of the team in rewriting and editing the text for the Board including a special section for use with young people.

Even with all the energy she gives in her own church and denominational areas, she managed to enjoy golfing, homemaking, her family, and countless friends. She continued to send notes of encouragement, make calls, and send gifts to those in need in the midst of all her activities. She had a real sensitivity and love for people and their spiritual growth. Myrna was a disciple for Christ.