Dorthea Payne Shettel

Dorotha Payne Shettel in the Robe of Acheivement, 1993


Dorotha Payne Shettel was born in Beadle Co., SD. Her parents were lone Sabbathkeepers  but as a child she attended VBS in Dodge Center, MN each summer. In her early teens she assisted and often taught in VBS and Christian Endeavor. She graduated high school in Dodge Center and attended college in Milton, WI. She also earned a BA degree from LaVerne College in CA. While living in Germany from 1967-68 she assisted in the formation and teaching of an AWANA group within the American Public School.

She served on many committees in her local church and was a member of the diaconate in the Riverside, CA church. Dorotha served as treasurer and was also involved in the calling ministry of her church. She served as church librarian and spent many hours organizing the books in the new Riverside Church Library.

Dorotha was a gracious hostess and willing worker of social events. She was a lifetime member of Ladies Aid.

Dorotha attended the first session of the Pre-Con program in the early 1940’s. She did extensive work in organizingthe SCSC (Summer Christian Service Corps) directory and had the idea for the SCSC reunion in 1990 at Lindsborg, KS. She was on the SCSC training staff from 1983-84.

She transported youth to Pre-Cons and other meetings, and cooked for camp and Pre-Con over the years. She was also on staff at Pacific Pines Camp and served on the Camp Board of Managers. She was also a faithful Conference delegate, attending sessions for many years.

Dorotha retired from teaching elementary school after many years, teaching in both Minnesota and California. She became an honored volunteer in the local Retired Teachers Association. She served as a hospital volunteer in Rochester, MN, Riverside and San Diego, CA. She also had the assignment of taking photos of the newborn babies in addition to working at the information desk and in the office. She is well known in her community for knitting lap robes for nursing home residents.

Dorotha was a member of the Women’s Board from 1981-1990 and served as president from 1983-90. She was a member representative to the North American Baptist Womens Union during the time she was president. She also represented Seventh Day Baptists at the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Seoul, Korea in 1990. She also served the Missionary Board as Asian Interest Committee Chairman.