Women’s Board Special Award

Elisabeth Schmid, Frances Becker, Marie Fassbender, Anna Pfeiffer (L-R)


In 1981 many nominations were received by the Women’s Board nominations committee for the Robe of Acheivement and one of the nominations was felt to be in a special category and for that reason a special award was given to a group of four ladies who each dedicated more than 80 years to the service of Lord Jesus.

Elisabeth Scmid, Frances Baker, Marie Fassbender, and Anna Pfeiffer were members of the disbanded Irvington German SDB Church and were then attending the Raritan Valley SDB Church. Of these women it was said they have provided us with the utlimate of, “It is better to give…”

During World War II these extraordinary women collected, boxed, wrapped, mended and shipped articles of clothing, towels, blankets, and personal items to Germany for distribution among those whose property had been destroyed. Many times they sent and spent almost all they had, which was very little during those hard times. Each of them endured much personal hardship to make sure their boxes were filled and shipped.

These women became Sabbath keepers through Bible study or personal testimony from friends and until 1980 celebrated their worship in their native language of German. During later years the church met at the Schmid home. And with that hospitality- “no one ever left the Schmid home feeling hungry…and oh, the desserts after a very filling meal!”

Even with limited incomes these women have generously supported missions and Our World Mission. Upon disbanding they shared their accumulated savings with the Sunshine Mountain project. Their goals have always been to share the love of their Lord Jesus and their total dedication of the Sabbath with everyone.

Any time spent with these ladies is an education in itself–of German customs, cultures, and traditions, helpful child rearing tips and especially their heartwarming personal testimonies of great faith and total dedication.They always have words of cordial greeting, encouragement, and praise, and words of spiritual uplifting which makes everyone glad for a Sabbath spent with them.

This group of women deserve to be recognized as SDB octogenarians who, despite physical handicaps, are still very active participants in the Raritan Valley SDB church. They are especially know for being fervent prayer warriors! For these reasons and many more the Seventh Day Baptist Women’s Society is pleased to present a special award to Marie Fassbender, Anna Pfieffer, Frances Baker, and Elisabeth Schmid.